DU BA 5th Sem Date Sheet 2015

DU BA 5th Sem Date Sheet 2015 - You can find & download here Date Sheet of University of Delhi Bachelor of Arts (B.A. (Programme)) Fifth Semester Part-I,II & III Semester Scheme (Admissions of 2011,2012 & 2014 ) Examination will be start on November 26, 2015 and concluded on December 14, 2015.

The examinations in some Discipline Subjects for each part have been scheduled for two days. Candidates will be examined strictly in the alphabetical order of the subjects offered. For example, in combination of Economics/History, the candidate should appear in Economics on the day of Discipline I Subject and in History on the day of Discipline II Subject. Similarly, in combination of History / Political Science, the examination in History, the candidate should appear on the day of Discipline I Subject and in Political Science, on the day of Discipline II Subject.

University : University of Delhi

Programmes : Bachelor of Arts (B.A (Programme))

Commencement Time : 2.30 PM

Annual/Semester : Semester

Exam Session : November/December 2015

Contact Number : 011 2700 6900

Contact Address : University of Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110021

Official Website : www.du.ac.in

Since, the examinations in certain discipline subjects like Accounting and Finance, Apparel Design Course, Arabic, Buddhist Studies, Business Laws, Computer Applications, Operational Research, Tax Procedure & Practice, Tourism & Travel Management etc. will be held only on one day, The candidates will be required to appear in their Second discipline subject on other day of the discipline subject examinations in an alphabetical order. For example in the combination of Bengali/Political Science the examination in Political Science will be held on the day of Discipline II and in the combination of Economics/German the examination in Economics will be held on the day of Discipline I.
26th November, Thursday Application Course            
Banking & Insurance V BI 290561 Banking
Basic Mathematical Statistics V MTA 290562 Basic Mathematical Statistics-I
Computer Application V CAA 290563 Computer Applications-I
Consumer Affairs V CAF 290564 Consumer Affairs-I
Conflict Resolution & Peace–Building V CRPB 290565 Conflict Resolution & Peace Building-I
Creative Writing (Bengali) V CWB 208599 Creative Writing (Bengali)
Creative Writing (English) V CWE 290566 Creative Writing (English)-I
Creative Writing (Hindi) V CWH 290567 Creative Writing (Hindi)-I
Creative Writing (Punjabi) V CWP 290569 Creative Writing (Punjabi)-I
Creative Writing (Urdu) V CMU 290568 Creative Writing (Urdu)-I
Disaster Management V DM 290570 Disaster Management-I
Film Studies V FS 290571 Film Studies-I
Globalization V GL 290572 Globalization-I
Indian Art V IA 290573 Indian Art-I Aesthetics & Sculpture
  V IM 290574 Indian Music (Hindustani Music) (Vocal & Instrumental)
Life Crisis : Coping and Evolving V LCCE 290575 Life Crisis-Coping & Evolving-I
Labour & Development in India V LD 290576 Labour & Development in India-I
Legal Literacy V LL 290577 Legal Literacy-I
Mass Communication V MC 290578 Mass Communication-I
Mathematics For Social Sciences-I V MTSS 290579 Mathematics For Social Sciences-I
Nutrition & Health V NHEA 290580 Introduction to Nutrition & Health
Translation & Interpreting V TIEH 290581 Translation & Interpreting: English-Hindi- English-I
Translation & Interpreting V TIEP 290582 Translation & Interpreting: Punjabi-English- Punjabi-I
Tax Management V TM 290583 Income Tax
Theatre and Performance V TP 290584 Theatre & Performance-I
Tourism V TOUR 290585 Tourism-I
26th November, Thursday Contd….            
Voluntary Organization V VO 290586 Voluntary Organizations-I
Physical Education V PEA 290587 Wellness, Fitness & Aerobics
Family & Child Welfare V FCW 290588 Introduction to Human Development
Entrepreneurship and small Business V ESBA 290589 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
27th November, Friday            
Assamese-A V ASA 208531 Assamese Language-A
Assamese-B V ASB 208532 Assamese Language-B
Assamese-C V ASC 208533 Assamese Language-C
Bengali-A V BNA 208534 Bengali-A
Bengali-B V BNB 208535 Bengali-B
Bengali-C V BNC 208535 Bengali-C
English-A V ENA 203551 Advanced English
English-B V ENB 203552 Intermediate English
English-C V ENC 203553 Basic English
Gujarati -A V GJA 208537 Gujarati -A
Gujarati -B V GJB 208538 Gujarati -B
Hindi-A V HNA 205539 Hindi-A
Hindi-B V HNB 205540 Hindi-B
Hindi-C V HNC 205541 Hindi-C
Kannada-A V KNA 208542 Kannada-A
Kannada-B V KNB 208543 Kannada-B
Manipuri-A V MPA 208546 Manipuri-A
Manipuri-B V MPB 208547 Manipuri-B
Manipuri-C V MPC 208548 Manipuri-C
Oriya-A V ORA 208551 Oriya-A
Oriya-B V ORB 208552 Oriya-B
Punjabi-A V PNA 212554 Punjabi-A
Punjabi-B V PNB 212555 Punjabi-B
Punjabi-C V PNC 212556 Punjabi-C
Sanskrit Language V SK 213557 Sanskrit Language
Sindhi-A V SNA 208559 Sindhi-A
Sindhi-B V SNB 208560 Sindhi-B
Sindhi-C V SNC 208561 Sindhi-C
Tamil-A V TMA 208562 Tamil-A
Tamil-B V TMB 208563 Tamil-B
Tamil-C V TMC 208564 Tamil-C
Telugu-A V TLA 208565 Telugu-A
Telugu-B V TLB 208566 Telugu-B
Telugu-C V TLC 214567 Telugu-C
Urdu-A V URA 214568 Urdu-A
Urdu-B V URB 214569 Urdu-B
Urdu-C V URC 214570 Urdu-C
Arabic V AR 201571 Text, Grammar and Translation-II
Economics V EC 227572 Principles of Macro-Economics-I
History 5 V HS-5 231573 History of India Upto-III (8th to 18th Century)
History 6 V HS-6 231574 Cultural Transformation in Early Modern Europe-I (c.1500-1800)
Persian V PR 209575 Persian: Prose
Philosophy V PHL 210576 Ethics Theory & Practice-I
Political Science V PSL 232577 Indian Government and Politics
28th November, Saturday Discipline Course-I/II            
Bengali Discipline V BND 208512 Prose (Fictional & Non-Fictional)
French V FRN 204551 Study of the Language, Culture and Literature
Functional Hindi
V FH2 205551 foKkiu
German V GER 204553 Study of the Language, Culture and Literature
Insurance V INS 3(a) 241556 Life Insurance-I
INS 4(a) 241563 Non-Life Insurance-I
Music V MU 244551 Ancient & Medieval History of Music & Study of Ragas & Talas-I
Physical Education and Health Education V PE 290551 Sports Psychology
Spanish V SP 204555 Study of the Language, Culture and Literature
Statistics V ST 237551 Applied Statistics
30th November, Monday Discipline Course-I            
Accounting and Finance V AF 241552 Personal Finance and Basics of Investment
Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. V ADV 3(a) 241551 Sales Force Management
Apparel Design and Construction V ADC 220555 Apparel Industry & Quality Assessment
Arabic Discipline V AR 201551 Text (Prose & Poetry), Grammar & Composition
Buddhist Studies V BSD 202551 Buddhist Cultural Heritage
Business Laws V BL 3(a) 241553 Social Security Laws
Computer Application V CA-3A 234551 Software Testing
CA-1A 234552 Visual Programming-I
CA-2A 234553 Internet Technologies-I
Economics V ECD 227551 Economic Development and Policy in India-I
Education V ED 243554 Pluralism and Education
English Discipline V END 203554 English Discipline
Entrepreneurship & Small Business V ESB 3(a) 241554 Managerial aspects of Small Business Operations, Office & Business Communication
ESB 4(a) 241561 Evolution of Policy and Institutional Frame Work
Family & Child Welfare V FCW 220551 Early Childhood Care and Education
Food Technology V FT 220552 Introduction to Fruit & Vegetable Preservation Technology
Functional Hindi (Paper-XVIII) V FH-2 205553 tulaidZ
Geography V GEO1 229551 (i) Geography of Resource
GEO2 229552 (ii) Geography of Environment
Hindi Discipline V HND 205555 ukVd ,dkadh ,oe~ fucU/k
History 9 V HS-9 231551 History of India -V (C. 1750s.-1970s.)
History 10 V HS-10 231552 Issues in World History-I (The 20th Century)
Human Resource Management V HRM 3(a) 241555 Industrial & Labour Regulations
HRM 4(a) 241562 Organizational Behavior
Linguistics V LING 207551 Issues of Applied Linguistics-I
Mathematics V MT 235551 Analysis
Nutrition & Health Edu. V NHE 220554 Community Nutrition-I
O.M.S.P. V OMSP3(a) 241557 Advanced Stenography (English)
Persian Discipline V PRD 209551 Prose & Translation
Philosophy V PHD 210551 Philosophical Debates-I
Political Science V PSA 232551 Introduction to International Relations
PSB 232552 Administration & Public Policy: Concepts & Theories
Psychology V PYD 211551 Psychological Skills
Punjabi Discipline-A V PNA 212551 Punjabi Discipline-A
Punjabi Discipline-B V PNB 212552 Punjabi Discipline-B
Tax Procedure & Practice V TP 3(a) 241558 Income Tax-Procedures & Practice-I
TP 4(a) 241566 Indirect Tax-Central Excise Law
1st December, Tuesday Foundation Course            
Contemporary India III CI 290353 Contemporary India: Economics & Society
Human Rights, Gender & Environment-I III HR 290354 Human Rights, Gender & Environment-I
Language, Literature and Culture-I III LLC 290355 Language, Literature and Culture-I
Social Enquiry-I III SE 290356 Social Enquiry-I
2nd December, Wednesday Discipline Course-II            
Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. V ADV 241551 Sales Force Management
Computer Application V CA-3A 234551 Software Testing
CA-1A 234552 Visual Programming-I
CA-2A 234553 Internet Technologies-I
Economics V ECD 227551 Economic Development and Policy in India-I
Education V ED 243554 Pluralism and Education
English Discipline V END 203554 English Discipline
Entrepreneurship & Small Business V ESB 3(a) 241554 Managerial aspects of Small Business Operations, Office & Business Communication
ESB 4(a) 241561 Evolution of Policy and Institutional Frame Work
Family & Child Welfare V FCW 220551 Early Childhood Care and Education
Food Technology V FT 220552 Introduction to Fruit & Vegetable Preservation Technology
Functional Hindi (Paper-XVIII) V FH-2 205553 tulaidZ
Geography V GEO1 229551 (i) Geography of Resource
  GEO2 229552 (ii) Geography of Environment
Hindi Discipline V HND 205555 ukVd ,dkadh ,oe~ fucU/k
History 9 V HS-9 231551 History of India -V (C. 1750s.-1970s.)
History 10 V HS-10 231552 Issues in World History-I (The 20th Century)
Human Resource Management V HRM 3(a) 241555 Industrial & Labour Regulations
  HRM 4(a) 241562 Organizational Behavior
Linguistics V LING 207551 Issues of Applied Linguistics-I
Mathematics V MT 235551 Analysis
Nutrition & Health Edu. V NHE 220554 Community Nutrition-I
O.M.S.P. V OMSP3(a) 241557 Advanced Stenography (English)
Operational Research V OR 236551 Network Analysis & Theory of Sequencing
Persian Discipline V PRD 209551 Prose & Translation
Philosophy V PHD 210551 Philosophical Debates-I
Political Science V PSA 232551 Introduction to International Relations
PSB 232552 Administration & Public Policy: Concepts & Theories
Psychology V PYD 211551 Psychological Skills
Punjabi Discipline-A V PNA 212551 Punjabi Discipline-A
Punjabi Discipline-B V PNB 212552 Punjabi Discipline-B
Sanskrit Discipline V SKD-A 213551 Social Thought in Sanskrit Literature
SKD-B 213552 Culture, Philosophy & Religion in Ancient India
Sociology V SY 230551 Sociological Theories-I
Tax Procedure & Practice V TP 3(a) 241558 Income Tax-Procedures & Practice-I
TP 4(a) 241566 Indirect Tax-Central Excise Law
Urdu Discipline V URD 214551 Study of Prose Forms & Mass Media in Urdu -I
3rd December, Thursday            
English-A III ENA 203351 Advanced English
English-B III ENB 203352 Intermediate English
English-C III ENC 203353 Basic English
4th December, Friday            
Assamese-A III ASA 208331 Assamese Language-A
Assamese-B III ASB 208332 Assamese Language-B
Assamese-C III ASC 208333 Assamese Language-C
Bengali-A III BNA 208334 Bengali-A
Bengali-B III BNB 208335 Bengali-B
Bengali-C III BNC 208336 Bengali-C
Gujarati -A III GJA 208337 Gujarati -A
Gujarati -B III GJB 208338 Gujarati -B
Hindi-A III HNA 205339 Hindi-A
Hindi-B III HNB 205340 Hindi-B
Hindi-C III HNC 205341 Hindi-C
Kannada-A III KNA 208342 Kannada-A
Kannada-B III KNB 208343 Kannada-B
Manipuri-A III MPA 208346 Manipuri-A
Manipuri-B III MPB 208347 Manipuri-B
Manipuri-C III MPC 208348 Manipuri-C
Oriya-A III ORA 208351 Oriya-A
Oriya-B III ORB 208352 Oriya-B
Punjabi-A III PNA 212354 Punjabi-A
Punjabi-B III PNB 212355 Punjabi-B
Punjabi-C III PNC 212356 Punjabi-C
Sanskrit Language III SK 213357 Sanskrit Language
Sindhi-A III SNA 208358 Sindhi-A
Sindhi-B III SNB 208359 Sindhi-B
Sindhi-C III SNC 208360 Sindhi-C
Tamil-A III TMA 208361 Tamil-A
Tamil-B III TMB 208362 Tamil-B
Tamil-C III TMC 208363 Tamil-C
Telugu-A III TLA 208364 Telugu-A
Telugu-B III TLB 208365 Telugu-B
Telugu-C III TLC 208366 Telugu-C
Urdu-A III URA 214367 Urdu-A
Urdu-B III URB 214368 Urdu-B
Urdu-C III URC 214369 Urdu-C
Arabic III AR 201371 Text, Grammar and Translation-II
Economics III EC 227372 Principles of Macro-Economics-I
History-5 III HS-5 231373 History of India -III (8th to 18th Century)
History-6 III HS-6 231374 Cultural Transformation in early Modern Europe-I (C.1500-1800)
Persian III PR 209375 Persian
Philosophy III PHL 210376 Ethics Theory & Practice-I
Political Science III PSL 232377 Indian Government and Politics
5th December, Saturday Discipline Course-I/II            
Bengali Discipline III BND 208312 Bengali Literature: Socio-cultural Background
French III FRN 204351 Study of the Language-III
Functional Hindi (Paper-X) III FH2 205353 bysDVªksfud lapkj ek/;e vkSj fgUnh
German III GER 204353 Study of the Language-III
Insurance III INS 241356 Regulatory Frame Work of Insurance-I
Music III MU 244351 Study of Indian Music, Granthas & Musicologists
Phy. Edu. and Health Edu. III PE 290351 Foundation of Physical Education-I
Spanish III SP 204355 Study of the Language-III
Statistics III ST 237351 Statistical Methods -II
7th December, Monday Discipline Course-I            
Accounting and Finance III AF 241352 Financial Management
Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. III ADV 241351 Advertising
Apparel Design and Construction III ADC 220355 Textile Design Techniques
Arabic Discipline III AR 201351 Text (Prose & Poetry) Grammar & Translation
Buddhist Studies III BSD 202351 Buddhist Religion & Philosophy
Business Laws III BL 241353 Company Laws
Economics III ECD 227351 Principles of Macroeconomics -I
Education III ED 243351 Thinking and Learning
English Discipline III END 203354 English Discipline
Entrepreneurship & Small Business III ESB 241354 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Family & Child Welfare III FCW 220351 Child Welfare Policies & Programs
Food Technology III FT 220352 Introduction to Banking Technology
Functional Hindi (Paper-IX) III FH-1 205351 fizUV ehfM+;k vkSj fgUnh
Geography III GEO 229351 (i) Geography of India
GEO2 229353 (ii) Environmental Issues in India
Hindi Discipline III HND 205355 lkfgR; fpUru
History 5 III HS-5 231351 History of India -III (8th to 18th Century)
History 6 III HS-6 231352 Cultural Transformation in early Modern Europe-I (C.1500-1800)
Human Resource Management III HRM 241355 Industrial Relations
Linguistics III LING 207351 Morphosyntactic Processes
Mathematics III MT 235351 Integration & Differential Equation
Nutrition & Health Education III NHE 220354 Public Health Nutrition-I
O.M.S.P. III OMSP 241357 Computer Applications
Persian Discipline III PRD 209351 Persian Discipline
Philosophy III PHD 210351 Ethics Theory & Practice -I
Political Science III PS 232351 Indian Government & Politics
Psychology III PYD 211351 Introduction to Social Psychology
Punjabi Discipline-A III PNA 212351 Punjabi Discipline-A
Punjabi Discipline-B III PNB 212352 Punjabi Discipline-B
Tax Procedure & Practice III TP 241358 Income Tax Law-I
Tourism & Travel Management III TM 241359 Economics of Tourism Industry
8th December, Tuesday Discipline Course-II            
Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. III ADV 241351 Advertising
Economics III ECD 227351 Principles of Macroeconomics -I
Education III ED 243351 Thinking and Learning
English Discipline III END 203354 English Discipline
Entrepreneurship & Small Business III ESB 241354 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Family & Child Welfare III FCW 220351 Child Welfare Policies & Programs
Food Technology III FT 220352 Introduction to Banking Technology
Geography III GEO 229351 (i) Geography of India
    GEO-2 229353 (ii) Environmental Issues in India
Hindi Discipline III HND 205355 lkfgR; fpUru
History 5 III HS-5D 231351 History of India -III (8th to 18th Century)
History 6 III HS-6D 231352 Cultural Transformation in early Modern Europe-I (C.1500-1800)
Human Resource Management III HRM 241355 Industrial Relations
Linguistics III LING 207351 Morphosyntactic Processes
Mathematics III MT 235351 Integration & Differential Equation
8th December, Tuesday Contd….            
Nutrition & Health Ed. III NHE 220354 Public Health Nutrition-I
O.M.S.P. III OMSP 241357 Computer Applications
Operational Research III OPR 236351 Mathematical Programming
Persian Discipline III PRD 209351 Persian Discipline
Philosophy III PHD 210351 Ethics Theory & Practice -I
Political Science III PS 232351 Indian Government & Politics
Psychology III PYD 211351 Introduction to Social Psychology
Punjabi Discipline-A III PNA 212351 Punjabi Discipline-A
Punjabi Discipline-B III PNB 212352 Punjabi Discipline-B
Sanskrit Discipline III SKD 213351 Sanskrit Grammar and Composition
Sociology III SY 230351 Sociology of India-I
Urdu Discipline III URD 214351 Urdu Discipline
9th December, Wednesday            
English-A I ENA 203151 Advanced English
English-B I ENB 203152 Intermediate English
English-C I ENC 203153 Basic English
10th December, Thursday            
Assamese-A I ASA 208131 Assamese Language-A
Assamese-B I ASB 208132 Assamese Language-B
Assamese-C I ASC 208133 Assamese Language-C
Bengali-A I BNA 208134 Bengali-A
Bengali-B I BNB 208135 Bengali-B
Bengali-C I BNC 208136 Bengali-C
Gujarati -A I GJA 208137 Gujarati -A
Gujarati -B I GJB 208138 Gujarati -B
Hindi-A I HNA 205139 Hindi-A
Hindi-B I HNB 205140 Hindi-B
Hindi-C I HNC 205141 Hindi-C
Kannada-A I KNA 208142 Kannada-A
Kannada-B I KNB 208143 Kannada-B
Manipuri-A I MPA 208146 Manipuri-A
Manipuri-B I MPB 208147 Manipuri-B
Manipuri-C I MPC 208148 Manipuri-C
Oriya-A I ORA 208151 Oriya-A
Oriya-B I ORB 208152 Oriya-B
Punjabi-A I PNA 212154 Punjabi-A
Punjabi-B I PNB 212155 Punjabi-B
Punjabi-C I PNC 212156 Punjabi-C
Sanskrit Language I SK 213157 Sanskrit Language
Sindhi-A I SNA 208158 Sindhi-A
Sindhi-B I SNB 208159 Sindhi-B
Sindhi-C I SNC 208160 Sindhi-C
Tamil-A I TMA 208161 Tamil-A
Tamil-B I TMB 208162 Tamil-B
Tamil-C I TMC 208163 Tamil-C
Telugu-A I TLA 208164 Telugu-A
Telugu-B I TLB 208165 Telugu-B
Telugu-C I TLC 208166 Telugu-C
10th December, Thursday Contd….            
Urdu-A I URA 214167 Urdu-A
Urdu-B I URB 214168 Urdu-B
Urdu-C I URC 214169 Urdu-C
Arabic I AR 201171 Arabic Language
Economics I EC 227172 Principles of Microeconomics-I
History-I I HS-1 231173 History of India upto C 300 B.C.
History-II I HS-2 231174 Cultures in the Indian Subcontinent-I
Persian I PR 209175 Persian
Philosophy I PHLL 210176 Logical Reasoning-I
Political Science I PS 232177 Introduction to Political Theory
11th December, Friday Discipline Course-I/II            
Bengali Discipline I BND 208112 History of Bengali Language
French I FRN 204151 Study of Language-I
Functional Hindi (Paper-II) I FH-2 205153 jktHkk"kk fgUnh
German I GER 204153 Study of Language-I
Insurance I INS 241156 Introduction to Insurance
Music I MU 244151 Theory of Indian Music (General)
Physical Education and Health Education I PE 290151 Introduction to Physical Education in the Contemporary Context
Spanish I SP 204155 Study of Language-I
Statistics I ST 237151 Basic Statistics and Probability
12th December, Saturday Discipline Course-I            
Accounting and Finance I ACE 241152 Financial Accounting
Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. I ADV 241151 Marketing Management
Apparel Design and Construction I ADC 220155 Fundamental Textile Science & Apparel Construction-I
Arabic Discipline I ARD 201151 Text, Grammar and Translation
Buddhist Studies I BS 202151 History of Origin of Buddhism
Business Laws I BL 241153 Mercantile Law
Computer Application I BACAT_1 234151 Computer Fundamentals
Economics I ECD 227151 Principles of Microeconomics-I
Education I ED 243151 Education in Contemporary India
English Discipline I END 203154 The Individual and Society-I
Entrepreneurship & Small Business I ESB 241154 Fundamentals of Business Organisation
Family & Child Welfare I FCW 220151 Principles of Development
Food Technology I FT 220152 Elements of Food Science and Technology-I
Functional Hindi (Paper-I) I FH-1 205151 iz;kstuewyd fgUnh
Geography I GEO 229151 Physical Geography
Hindi Discipline I HND 205155 dFkk ,ao laLej.k&lkfgR;
History I I HS-1D 231151 History of India upto C 300 B.C.E.
History II I HS-2D 231152 Cultures in the Indian Subcontinent-I
Human Resource Management I HRM 241155 Human Resource Management
Linguistics I LING 207151 Introductory Linguistics
Mathematics I MT 235151 Calculus
Nutrition & Health Education I NHE 220154 Introduction to food, Nutrition and Health
O.M.S.P. I OMSP 241157 Business Communication
12th December, Thursday Contd….            
Persian Discipline I PRD 209151 Grammar and Translation
Philosophy I PHIL 210151 Logical Reasoning-I
Political Science I PSD 232151 Introduction to Political Theory
Psychology I PYC 211151 Orientation to Psychology
Punjabi Discipline-A I PNA 212151 Punjabi Discipline-A
Punjabi Discipline-B I PNB 212152 Punjabi Discipline-B
Tax Procedure & Practice I TPP 241158 Indirect Taxes
Tourism & Travel Management I TTM 241159 Fundamentals of Travel and Tourism
14th December, Monday Discipline Course-II            
Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. I ADV 241151 Marketing Management
Computer Application I BACAT_1 234151 Computer Fundamentals
Economics I ECD 227151 Principles of Microeconomics-I
Education I ED 243151 Education
English Discipline I END 203154 The Individual and Society-I
Entrepreneurship & Small Business I ESB 241154 Fundamentals of Business Organisation
Family & Child Welfare I FCW 220151 Principles of Development
Food Technology I FT 220152 Elements of Food Science and Technology
Geography I GEO 229151 Physical Geography
Hindi Discipline I HND 205155 dFkk ,ao laLej.k&lkfgR;
History I I HS-1D 231151 History of India upto C 300 B.C.E.
History II I HS-2D 231152 Cultures in the Indian Subcontinent-I
Human Resource Management I HRM 241155 Human Resource Management
Linguistics I LIG 207151 Introductory Linguistics
Mathematics I MT 235151 Calculus
Nutrition & Health Ed. I NHE 220154 Introduction to food, Nutrition and Health
O.M.S.P. I OMSP 241157 Business Communication
Operational Research I OR 236151 Linear Programming
Persian Discipline I PRD 209151 Grammar and Translation
Philosophy I PHIL 210151 Logical Reasoning-I
Political Science I PSD 232151 Introduction to Political Theory
Psychology I PYC 211151 Orientation to Psychology
Punjabi Discipline-A I PNA 212151 Punjabi Discipline-A
Punjabi Discipline-B I PNB 212152 Punjabi Discipline-B
Sanskrit Discipline I SKD 213151 Sanskrit Grammar & Text
Sociology I SY 230151 Introduction to Sociology-I
Urdu Discipline I URD 214151 Modern & Medieval Poetry-I

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